For Professionals

300x250-GlassesAndPapersB2PAFCYou serve as trusted advisors to your clients. They come to you in times of need. It may even be that you have worked with them for many years and know the family well.

You are an expert in your field. In times of stress and vulnerability, however, your clients may turn to you about worries that extend to areas outside your professional training.

Articles to help
Use these articles to support your clients and demonstrate your resourcefulness:

For families

For older adults

Bookmark this page! Next time you have a client with an elder care problem, come to the e-library and search for the topic. We could well have an article that makes you a hero!

How we can help you
In addition to educational resources for your clients, there are many ways that we can make your life easier:

  • Peace of mind for everyone involved.
    Whether your client is the older adult, or a concerned daughter or son, everyone rests easier knowing that a professional in the field of aging is on the team. Our collaborative approach even makes life easier for you. You can concentrate on your area of expertise knowing that the elder care component is fully taken care of.
  • Faithful implementation of the plan.
    Perhaps your client needs a Durable Power of Attorney for Finance, or an agent to make health care decisions under an advance directive. You and the client create the plan. We provide the necessary complement to be sure it is carried out as intended.
  • An objective assessment.
    As licensed Aging Life Care™ Managers, we can provide that expert opinion, even testimony or a report, that outlines the current situation and makes recommendations for needed support services now, and in the foreseeable future.
  • Preventing and managing crises.
    Of course, we prefer to be brought in before there’s a crisis. But if one occurs—a fall, a hospitalization, a stroke, a wandering incident—we can jump in and handle it. We can also support you, the client and the family if changes in living situation are required.
  • Serving as an advocate in the health care system.
    It’s a complicated labyrinth. Without a knowledgeable advocate, the patient’s voice is frequently drowned out. Let us help your client determine his or her goals of care, and then work with the medical system to make sure treatment decisions are made that support those goals.
  • Preserving your client’s independence.
    One of the primary challenges of the elder years is retaining as much control as is appropriate, and then learning to let go. Everyone deserves the “dignity of risk,” thus we support your client’s autonomy and agency for as long as is feasible.
  • Recommending appropriate resources.
    Based on your client’s preferences and financial situation, we can make recommendations for support services that are the best fit. We all want your client to be satisfied with the decisions made. Put our experience to work for you so the odds favor a successful transition.
  • Helping to ease family conflict.
    The elder care years generate many difficult dynamics, especially among siblings. We are intimately familiar with the ways that family systems can flare when the parents start to need help. Part of our training and expertise involves knowing how to quell those fires and turn everyone’s attention to the best interests of the elder. We are the experts in respecting the needs of all family members and helping them to overcome their differences and find common ground.

Let us make your life easier
If you think we could be of assistance, do not hesitate to give us a call at 407-795-4124. We’d be delighted to work with you to improve quality of life for everyone involved.